music notes to branches

About Me

Since I was a kid, I wanted to pursue art—drawing or painting, anything that let me have a creative outlet. But, having immigrant Asian parents and attending a small all-girls high school meant my career options were limited to healthcare or education.
So, I went into publishing, thinking it was a good comprimise between my creative needs and Ma's needs for financial security (it was not). When I started interning for a publishing house, I was put in the one and only team I feared: Web Development. Yet somehow, my teammates and I redesigned their website and I fell in love.
I set aside my romance writing dreams (and nursing according to Ma) to pursue a real romance of my own: I went off to study Interaction Design at Sheridan College and after, Computer Programming and Analysis at Seneca College.
I create warm and personal products, and believe in designs that celebrate individuality without sacrificing user experience.
Today, I continue to learn development and read romance on the side. I also hope to encourage more women towards tech and make their paths to code clearer than mine ever was.