music notes to branches

Honesty Statement

I declare that my assignment is wholly my own work in accordance with Seneca Academic Policy. No part of this assignment has been copied manually or electronically from any other source (including web sites) except for the information supplied by the WEB222 instructors and / or made available in this assignment for my use.
I also declare that no part of this assignment has been distributed to other students.
Name: Anna Francesca Dela Cruz
Date: July 8, 2023

    Research Credits

  1. The pleasures of sad music: a systematic review
  2. An integrative review of the enjoyment of sadness associated with music
  3. Sad music induces pleasant emotion
  4. 6 Reasons Why We Enjoy Listening to Sad Music
  5. The Science Behind Why Sad Songs Don't Always Make You Feel Down

    Media Credits

  1. Spring Day Forest from YouTube Audio Library
  2. Favourite Crime performed by Olivia Rodrigo, embedded from Spotify
  3. Scene from Fleabag uploaded by Prime Video, embedded from Youtube

    Images Credits

  1. Music Notes
  2. Pressed Flowers
  3. Leaves and Vines
  4. Sun
  5. Cloud
  6. Tears
  7. Puddle
  8. Sparkles
  9. Couch